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Function Service

Transporting guests home in their own cars safely after a function

The Service
  • Chauffeurs will be present at the venue to ensure visibility and to promote uptake of the service.
  • The price includes unlimited journeys within the normal Good Fellas area of operation (city and surrounds)
  • Changes to function times must be confirmed with the call centre in advance of the event.

Benefits to host
  • Increased Corporate Social Responsibility by proactively providing an alternative to drink driving.
  • Culpability reduction in the event of an incident.
  • Reduced financial, brand and reputation risk through the protection of business associates, staff and company cars.

  • Rate: R1810.00 (excl. Vat) per team. This covers the last three hours of the event, thereafter a charge of R670.00 (excl. Vat) per team per hour applies.
To request availability,
(bookings to be made during office hours)